March 26-27
Hi All,
Rotorua: A geothermal wonderland…..hmmmm, maybe, but more like a huge tourist attraction….but you can see steam vents every where as well as inhale the hydrogen sulfide!!! We couldn’t tell if the “things to do” were just not that interesting/too touristy or maybe we were just tired, a bit jaded and anxious to get home to Mystic Moon????
We wanted to come here after the Tongariro hike to soak our aching bodies and end the trip on a relaxing note. We picked a spot, Koura lodge that advertised on site massages but not to be….sorry, we no longer do that, then why is it on your website, oops our bad, here have an upgraded room….thanks!! We finally found a good spa but when we asked for a 90 minute couple massage they said they can’t to that….well, it was either that or go soak in mud baths with all your friends so we chose the 60 minute massage. When we got there, they had no other customers and after a 30 minute soak in a hot tub getting eaten by ants they asked us if we wanted to have our massage early….no, I did not help them with their time management and revenue increase, I just zipped it and had a very relaxing massage, just not long enough. On to the B&B next, a nap, and then a soak in their hot tub overlooking Lake Rotorua. Then, a nice Italian dinner….not a CO but we hadn’t found really good Italian food in a while so it was nice to have some decent pasta dishes!!
We arrived back in Auckland early afternoon to find Steve and Graham hard at work in the engine room….gee guys, we gave you 60 days to get the work done and you are still at it….yep, the party’s for sure over….arghhhhhh!!! Needless to say the boat was still torn up so the first thing we had to do was get everything back in order then start to unload….welcome back:))))
So what’s next on the agenda: well, not too sure in the short term as we are basically waiting for our 17 boxes to arrive from LA, due now on April 6th but then they have to clear customs. We will just relax for a bit, do some minor maintenance/projects, and work on our itinerary for the upcoming cruising season….Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Australia.
Many people have emailed asking about Vanuatu and TC Pam. We really don’t have any inside scoop yet so only know what we can read online. Looks like the central and southern islands got hammered hard and many of the people are left with very little food supplies until their farms can get back which takes about 3 months. We will join the relief efforts and do what we can to bring in supplies as appropriate. I’ll send out a blog in a few days/weeks once we know more, have talked/emailed to some other cruisers and people who are there.
Finals Stats:
Traveled: Traveled 115 miles to Rotorua and 150 miles to Auckland; 3660 miles total; 6100 km!!!!
Hotel: Rotorua: Koura Lodge; very nice with a great view of Lake Rotorua
Wrong Turns: Zero, total 9
Turned into wrong lane: steady at 3!!!
One-Way Bridges: Zero today; back in civilization; 250 total!!!
Food: no CO’s but an excellent Italian dinner at Leonardo’s!!!
Hope all is well!!