June 10,
Hi All,
OK….just can’t get the song out of my head….back, back in the USA…..or Home, home on the range:))))
I have waited until we are safely out of Russia and well in USA waters to tell the “rest of the Russia story”…..so, page 2…..
The real reason we were delayed by 14.5 hours to check in to Russia was due to an American hating head official. Mr Fleet Manager was in a foul mood because Russia lost a soccer match in the preliminary round of the World Cup Soccer Games….which Russia is hosting this year….it seems Russians are avid soccer fans….yep, true story. As I had written earlier, our Agents Alexei and Sergei had gotten permission from said Official the day before….all smiles, welcome tourists et al!!! Then that night the Russians lost the soccer match and said Official came into the office the next morning in a real foul mood. He took out his anger on us….accused us of being terrorists…..which meant spies. There was a secret nuclear submarine at the Navy base some 20+ miles away that provided the subject for his accusation…..gee if it is so secret why are you telling us????
So, said Official had no proof and Alexei spent many hours arguing with the man…..finally he gave permission to enter the Bay at 2:30pm…..we had been now circling for 7.5 hours outside the Bay in open waters…now here I’m guessing, but I think he waited until the last possible time to have us travel the 10nm to the wharf, get his people onboard to check us in and be done by 6pm when their shift ends and not pay OT…..they all left smiling at 5:45pm and then we waited another 2.5 hours because this head Official was just mean. It took Kathy telling Sergei that we would not travel to the marina at dark in an unfamiliar harbor….that was just not safe…..Sergei then relayed that statement to the Port Authority and Coast Guard and gee, 10 minutes later we had our permission…really!!!!
Sergei, Alexei, and many people at the marina were appalled at this treatment….apologizing profusely…..as well as going out of their way to welcome us to Russia. They really wanted us to see the new, modern Russia….they kept telling us they wanted to be friends with Americans, they were now democratic and capitalists….more alike than different now….and indeed, they made us feel very welcome!!
We had a question from one of our blog readers…..gee John, why did you leave Russia in such crappy weather….really not like you guys….well, we had 2 reasons…one is weather….this was the best of the worst windows for the next 2 weeks and 2nd, we had told the Officials we would stay 1-2 weeks depending on weather and were a bit concerned what would happen if we told them we were delayed longer. As it was, we were already looking over our shoulders for the KGB….ok, maybe too many movies….but yet that daunting thought was always in the back of our minds!!!
We really had a great time in Russia….can’t say enough how people made us feel welcome….very friendly…in fact, we all shed a few tears when we left…..truly a lifetime experience….AND we will go back to Russia…..now if we can just get our governments to become allies….how peaceful could the World become!!!
And that is the real story of officialdom in Russia…..
Hope all is well!!
Mystic Moon
Attu Alaska
PS: We all slept in and then I went fishing & crabbing…..and sad to report nada, zip on fish and so had to use a can of tuna for the crab trap…..arghhhhh!!!! I will post again tomorrow to wrap up the passage and next plans!! Now for a long summer nap:))))
Thanks for the rest of the story (!!) Also for the explanation on your go/no go decision… we were baffled, too, looking at the weather animations, did not look like a good time was in store! But as they say, all’s well that ends well.