Hi All,
Yeah, we did it…..safe and sound at the Bundaberg marina….arrived @ 9:40am, went and got fuel, and in our berth by 11:30am!!!!!!!!
Mystic was flying!!!! We shed the EAC early yesterday at the top of Moreton Island…..the Eastern Australian Current….not Equatorial I wrote earlier, but still EAC…..I stand corrected. With the higher rpm’s we were doing 8.2-10 kts most of the last 24 hours….wow!!!!
We really had another trawler like day. Winds did pick up to 15-20kts but it was all behind us and the seas stayed in the 3′ range. I even fished but nada:))))
At the top of Fraser Island we turned to the SW for the last 45nm to Bundy and had E winds/seas on our beam but again the winds were in the 10-15kt range and seas 1-2′ so a decent ride!!!
We have met up with our good friends Brett and Stacey on sv Bella Vita…..the official opening ceremonies for the 2016 cruising season is tonight…..ODG:))))
We will be here just for 2 nights, maybe 3 but probably 2…..then heading for the Great Barrier Reef and a check on the bucket list. Hope to be diving Lady Musgrave on Sunday….we are soooooo hoping Kathy’s back is ready!!!!!
LIG indeed!!!
Final Stats: Thursday May 5:
Position: 24 45S 152 23E; Bundaberg Marina
Traveled: 199.5nm today; 581 total; arrived 9:40am Thursday
Course: 339M COG
Wind: 10-15 kts SE
Waves: 1′ E wind chop; 3′ E swell; smooth ride
Speed: 8.4 avg today; 7.8 kts for passage; 1725 rpm
Weather: 30% cloud cover; sea temp 77.5 deg F (yeah baby!!); air temp 76 deg F
Boat sightings: ~25 today, lots of fishing vessels; ~60 total
Fishing: Yes….2 poles out…..nada…..whaaaaa, one lure had no hook when brought it in….not a good way to start the season:((((
Sail: down
Fuel burn: 1.14nmpg for passage, not too bad at 1700-1800 rpm
Hope all is well!
Mystic Moon