May 10 – 13
Hi All,
May 12: in Juneau….Yep….that time of the year… what did you do for your birthday and how do you feel, people ask: Well I guess I feel elated to make it another year, and when I consider the alternative, I definitely feel ecstatic. 1) I do feel special/blessed to make it another year and to still be able to cruise on Mystic Moon…thank you God and the docs:))) 2) For the friends/family who remembered and sent special birthday wishes or called/facetime, thanks,….I felt the luv!!!…..for the family/friends who forgot…..hmmm…you get more chances, I suppose that is why at our age we have a birthday week/month:))) 3) It was an ok-to-good day…..we are here in Juneau to basically fill up Mystic…groceries, liquor, diesel and gasoline et al…watch your waterline Mystic:)))) So what did Kathy do for my birthday….she took me to Costco….yep, livin’ the dream baby…..3 hours, 2 carts, 3.5 miles later including 2 schlepping trips from the parking lot 0.5 miles away…..yikes, yep, even the good knee was griping…oweeeeeeee!!
But we did celebrate that night at the Hangar, a local restaurant that is one of our favorites in downtown Juneau….first, went to Red Dog Saloon for the infamous Duck Fart…..then to the Hangar for a delicious steak dinner for John and fresh prawns/pasta for Kathy…LIG!!!!
May 10: We did leave Skagway as planned on Tuesday @7am. But, it was not a pretty day….we expected 10-15kts S winds and 2-3′ wind chop….what we got was 20-30G35kts on the nose, mainly 3-5′ waves w/the occasional 8’…yes, that is correct 8’…how do you know…because we buried the bow 20+ times….we of course, slowed way down….from 1600 rpm, to 1400, then 1200rpm and our speed dropped from 7.5 all the way to 4.5kts…..but at least we were no longer burying the bow!!! We got into William Henry anchorage at 3pm, 2 hours later than expected….yikes!!!!
May 11: Finally, there is sun….yea….and the predicted <10kts N wind….very calm seas…didn’t even need the stabilizers….glorious day and such magnificent beauty seeing for the first time this year the top of the majestic Lynn Canal mountains and even over to the Coastal Mountains…we could even see Mt Fairweather at 15k+’ poking it’s pointed top up over 75 miles away…wow!!!
May 13: More provisioning….Jerry’s Smokehouse for some crab and salmon dip and some smoked salmon then onto Safeway!! The knee had finally had it….I made it back to the boat with a cart but Kathy had to make the 2nd trip….arghhhhhh!!!
We were going to go back to Juneau for some souvenir shopping and something to eat but it started to rain and w/the knee screaming we just stayed in….sort of. Of course, we still had to gas up the rental car and we needed another cooler…so another mile or so on the knee….ugh…..and then we decided to change the diet up with some take out Chinese food!!!
The Plan: We will head out tomorrow, 5/14 but first we will take on some diesel (Mystic) and gasoline (dinghy) at the Auke Bay Harbor fuel dock and then go to Funter Cove in Icy Strait, one of our favorite crab spots….and hopefully some whales!!! Then it is on to Glacier Bay and Hoonah areas for a week or so!!!
Hope all is well!
Mystic Moon
PS: Video of the dogs at Tagish Lake Kennels:
PSS: Pictures on the website:
Happy Belated Birthday John! The mud pie looks amazing. I had to google Duck Fart as I had never heard of it! Now that I know what it is, it sounds yummy! I think I got sea sick just reading your blog, 8′ waves and burying the bow 🤢
Beautiful pictures, you are truly adventures!
Take care,