Thursday, April 4, 2013
Wow…..Today’s the big day…..It is now just before noon, and we are all looking anxiously for land in the distance. The conditions are good, probably as calm as they have been since the first week. The sky is mostly cloudy, and we had a quick-moving squall come through just an hour or so ago. That, along with the one that came through during the watch change between Les and I last night, obviated the need for a good boat rinsing. Sheets are freshly laundered this morning, floors are mopped, and windows have been washed. Champagne, beer and wine are chilling in the fridge and the ice bucket is full; steaks are defrosting on the counter; music has even been loaded in the Sonus system.
We are ready and Mystic is ready …… All we need now is land and a safe harbor to anchor in…..
41 nm to go. It looks like we will get in right at sunset. Wouldn’t it be nice to be anchored and watch the sunset with our drinks in hand? We’ll see. I walk by and bump up the throttle. He walks by and bumps it back down. WTH?? Me thinks the captaincy has gone to his head, but never fear, we will make landfall at some point and I do believe that once off the high seas, Admiral trumps Captain… 🙂
We have started seeing even more of the lovely white birds out here. We think they are Fairy Terns, which I have seen in the French Polynesian guide books. Can’t seem to find them in my bird book, but unfortunately, my books don’t cover this part of the Pacific, so we are merely speculating. And Jo, we are still looking and waiting for the dolphins to bring us in! 🙂
1200…..Land Ho!!! It was John who first spotted the shadow in the distance that was Hiva Oa. It took the rest of us another 15 to 30 minutes, but by then, it was intelligible through the mists and cloud as land indeed….Yyyyyeeessss!!!!!
1500….We are finally making decent time towards Hiva Oa, and now it really does look like an island! It is enshrouded in clouds and mist, and our skies are overcast and cloudy as well. No matter…..every minute that passes and mile that goes under us puts us that much closer, and the island grows larger as we watch. It really…..truly……..just……right there……No… really….it is!
1650…..Jojo, your dolphins have come! A pod of 5 or 6 Bottlenose Dolphin come racing alongside Mystic and ride her bow wake as she moves ever closer to our harbor. The island of Hiva Oa lies to our starboard side, its vibrant green speckled cliffs soaring majestically skyward, crowns of white clouds capping her peaks.
1820…..We have made landfall Hiva Oa in the bay of Tahauku. The anchor is down, the engine is off, and we, John and I, Les and Rose, and Mystic Moon, are well.
1821……Champagne cork pops. Hugs, kisses and tears. We did it! We did it!! We have really, truly fetched the Marquesas……
Let the party begin!! 🙂