Hi All,
The alarm went off at 3:15am right in the middle of a deep sleep….arghhhhhh:(((( So, up we are, both feeling groggy, a grogginess that coffee and tea did not seem to help for me….WTH????
The 102nm passage was actually a good one. We had 12-20kt winds SE with 3-5′ seas….all behind us….so a moderately smooth ride again!!! In spite of our grogginess, we did the engine check, started the GEN, Kathy put away all the dried dive gear, started up the instruments, brought in the flopper and up anchor and on our way by 4:05am….whoa….a lot of activity in the wee hours!!
The currents around here are a challenge….very much effected by the tides….which are huge…like 10-15’….and the EAC flowing south. We started with a 0.5 favorable current, then had a 1.0 kt adverse current then ended the day with a 1.0kt favorable current. Our speed at 1750 rpm (normal is 1600 rpm, we sped up to make it before sunset) ranged from 7.3-9.9 kts….whoa!!!! Our avg speed was 8.1 kts. We burned right at 1.1 nmpg which is right on target for that rpm…..I think the new injectors are helping!!!
West Bay, a little cove on the west side of Percy island had 4 boats in it when we arrived….3 Cats all of which took up the middle and had anchored way out….we tried a spot near Bella Vita but it was quite rolly and near the lagoon which has tidal flows in/out…not ideal to anchor in front of or to make water. Hmmmm….I’m still a bit brain dead….slept most of the day too….and this is not what we wanted….but then, we look north and we see another little bitty cove and the waters look calmer….well, WTH….so we went 400 yards further north and found a delightful spot….now that is what we are talking about!!! Brett and Stacey came over for a welcome passage beer…..then it was leftovers, popcorn, a movie and early to bed!!! We found out later from the local caretaker that only the old timers use that anchorage as it is the best….so there you go!!!
Kathy woke up the next morning not feeling too well….her ankle really hurt and she had not slept well the last few nights….she wanted a day off to rest her ailments. So, I asked Brett if I could play with them and he also informed me that he was not feeling too well and was taking the day off but that Stacey and Kalle wanted to do the hike up to the homestead….maybe 3 miles or so….ok, count me in!!! On the island there is also a cruiser hangout shack where cruisers put various signage and mementos. We didn’t have time to make anything elaborate so we left a laminated boat card….yep, I know Mark & Roseanne, pretty lame…..where are you guys when we need you!!!!!
The hike was great…about 4 miles, climbed maybe 600’…..we saw maybe a dozen or so kangaroos/wallabies (brought in 8 years ago for the yacht club enjoyment!!) and more of those blue butterflies we saw on Keppel. There were a gazillion and we never tired of watching them. When we got internet later I googled them and here is a good article:
We also met 4 people who lived at the top of the hill…..I guess actually homesteading and running the yacht club out of the cruiser shack….quite a setup really. And, they had internet from 50 miles away from the mainland….whoa….we had cell service too!!!
We got back to the beach for a quick swim and cooling off and I discovered our handheld VHF clipped on my backpack was gone….ugh…..must have fallen off on some of the steep part….so Stacey and I went back up the hill and Stacey found it about 3/4 of a mile away…..so what was a 4 mile hike turned into a 5.5 mile hike….ugh!!!
We had a very quick happy hour on Mystic as Bella Vita was leaving at 4:00amish to head to Mackay for a night or so to provision et al. We are planning to leave about 7:00am for a 60nm run to Scawfell….just another island south of the Whitsundys….not too sure what there is to do but we shall see!!
Hope all is well!!
Mystic Moon