May 4
Hi All,
All is well onboard!!
2nd night….feel tired and numb…ugh!!!
But, nothing like taking over watch and Kathy says we have a strange yellow blinking light ahead…just showed up….and we are heading straight for it….yep, wide awake now…..arghhhhhh!!!
So, after 2 cups of coffee….veering toward starboard a wee bit….the mysterious light shows to be a shore light on Point Lookout on the east side of North Stradbroke Island….about 8 miles away when I make the determination….okay, wide awake now!!!!
NO MORE SWEATS!!!! Back to my normal attire….Shorts and t-shirt:)))) The cabin temp is now in the upper 70’s and the humidity is increasing but still reasonable!!!
Another trawler like day. For the most part the winds were 5-10kts and while we had a East and south swell, all were small and medium period so the ride was smooth!!! We did have a brief 3 hour period of N winds but stayed 8-12 knots and the seas stayed calm!!!
The EAC has been active. We go in and out but mostly in. We have now lost about 1.5 hours to our 7.5kt desired speed average…ugh!!
At about 6:30pm we passed Cape Byron which is the easternmost point of the mainland of Australia…..whoa!!!
Boat Stuff: I do an engine check and the ER temp is 115 deg F….WTH…should be 10-15 deg cooler. Check the exhaust hoses and the one over the Cummins is dead…great….thinking the blower died. So, I check the blower in the commissary and it is running….then I notice the inlet hose is off….good news: I can fix this…pondering news: how in the heck did this happen?????
Stats: 03 May 2100 UTC (7:00am May 4 local time):
Position: 27 07S 153 31E
Traveled: 179nm today; 360 total; 214 nm to go; ETA to Bundaberg noon Thursday
Course: 342M COG
Wind: 6-10 kts WSW
Waves: 1′ W wind chop; 3′ E swell; 3′ S swell, smooth ride
Speed: current speed is 7.1 kts SOG; has varied 5.8-8.5 kts today; avg is 7.46 for today; 7.35 kts for passage; 1725 rpm
Weather: 90% cloud cover; sea temp 77.5 deg F (yeah baby!!); air temp 76 deg F
Boat sightings: ~20 today, lots of fishing vessels; ~35 total
Fishing: Not yet
Sail: down
Fuel burn: 1.15nmpg, not too bad at 1700-1800 rpm
Hope all is well!
Mystic Moon