April 4 – May 9
Hi All,
Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe in these very different times. So far, knock on wood, both Kathy and I are virus free. In fact, we know of only 2 people who have had the virus….one a friend of a friend and the other a lockhandler at the Ballard locks. The persistent cough that we both had for several months finally went away. We are not sure what it was from…maybe allergies???? I will certainly do the antibody test when and if it ever becomes available and appropriate for retirees like us to take.
I am especially getting quarantine fatigue. No, we are not one of “those” people breaking lockdown protocols…..how selfish and disgusting is that. But, it has been over 8 weeks since our last “fun” adventure….the Iditarod….and quite frankly, we are out of balance…mostly working on projects and very little jocularity/socializing. So for the last 60 days or so it has been one boat project after another….and yes, I am sooooooo ready to be off the boat or at least doing something fun on the boat.
OK….now that I have whined a bit, what have we been doing…..well, we are currently back in Port Angeles having a few items done by Platypus. We did leave Emerald Landing in Lake Union on May 1, got 200 gal of diesel at $1.64….that is our lowest price EVER….such a shame we could only take 200 gals…in Feb we took on 875 gals at $2.52!!! After the fuel we went through the Ballard locks….and, of course, our stern thrusters went out. If you recall back in December when we entered the locks our bow thrusters went out. Well, after much painful trouble shooting we determined it was the batteries. The light bulb did go off that maybe we should change the stern batteries as well since we installed both sets at the same time in Australia. Well, I tested the stern thrusters several times and they worked just fine so I thought to be frugal…well, at the time the market had crashed….so, we just did the bow thrusters. And, sure enough we had issues in the locks….AGAIN!!!
Here is how Kathy described the event to a friend: And then we were off to the locks. Weeeelll, the locks held more excitement than we typically like. There was one boat there ahead of us, but several others came afterwards, and they were operating the big locks, so in we go, finally. We were the biggest boat so we get to go in first and head to the front. We ended up having a sailboat rafted to us and it was all good. Of course, in the meantime, we discover that our stern thruster has gone out. No prob getting to the wall and tying up, and even the descent was good. Lock doors open and our sailbaot buddy goes out. We get the ok to release our lines and that’s when the fun began…..
The current was really running when we attempted to leave, and without the stern thruster we just could not get off the wall. We’d get off about 2 feet and the current would push the stern right back into the wall. John was at the flybridge helm while I was in the stern yelling out the inches we had on the stern! The fender was rolling up the wall even while I was attempting to push us off the wall. Anyway, long story short, we got to the wooden wall near the end of the locks and about that time, the go-fast boat behind us (I believe his name was Dickhead) got impatient and decided to pass us, which of course sent our stern right back toward it. The fender ended up catching on a cracked board and there was a huge bang as the board popped off the wall. The whole thing scared the bejesus out of me, and the safety officer on board was afraid she was going to lose a hand. Anyway, I was able to retrieve the fender, albeit with a couple of very large splinters of wood in it and a torn fender cover. In the end, it doesn’t appear that we damaged the boat, but will definitely look for scratching on the hull when we arrive at the dock. Argh! Still though, from the way it all happened, I’m really grateful that there was not more damage and that I wasn’t really hurt….just a few scrapes and sores on my hand. Well, and of course the major adrenaline rush!! I don’t think that’s good for my heart! ð Phew!!
Good news: we gave the boat a thorough exam once on the dock here in PA and no scratches…yea!!!!
We did anchor out for two nights in Port Ludlow….a very cute anchorage. It was good to be on the hook but unfortunately it rained hard for the next 24 hours so no chance to get off the boat. We made it to PA on Sunday May 3rd and celebrated our 73nm run from Lake Union with burgers on the grill….cheeseburgers in paradise Mystic style:)))
Platypus Marine work: Good news is Port Angeles….knocking on wood….has had no Covid-19 cases and the boatyard has stayed open. We are having our swim transom staples installed, revarnishing the cup holders on the FB (we forgot those before and they are in bad shape), and repainting the outside of all 3 cockpit doors that initially blistered….btw, the blisters did retract and are barely visible now….blisters on boats are just weird phenomenon.
Flybridge Enclosure: well….going on a month+ late now, but very understandable. Brian is down to a skeleton crew….most of his workers opted for unemployment given the $600/week Federal addon. The bimini and solar panels are installed so now we are just waiting for them to finish the windows and doors. Maybe, hopefully, fingers crossed, they come to PA next week and finish….but, it could be the following week as well. But good news, they got all the other canvas and mattresses done so actually quite a bit was accomplished!!
Boat projects…..and I differentiate between “boat” projects and “home” projects as in most cases on the boat, you have to remove the boat before you can work on something or nothing is simple….maybe not that extreme but if feels like it:
– Bow Thruster Batteries: successfully installed the 2 batteries, turned out the Battery System driver was able to help me carry these 150-lb batteries….although he did leave us several skin marks on the stairs….ugh. I also changed out one of the voltage converter solenoids!!
– Balmar alternator….ODG, this one was a PITA. First, Whatcom Electric in Bellingham….like 90 miles north could not deliver. So, I rented a car and drove up there….loaded up both alternators and the Cummins starter….then did a Total Wine curbside pickup, because, why not, we had a car….well, we do need something to drink on those Zoom/Facebook/Google Hangout HH calls:))). For whatever reason Kathy and I could not get the dang alternator aligned properly. At one point you have to blindly line up 3 holes….engine bracket, washer, alternator….and while it has always been tricky we always got it done. Well, after an hour or so of trying we gave up….lightbulb…we glued the washer to the alternator and instead of ratcheting the bolt into the holes…Kathy used a hammer, her favorite tool….and voila, we have alternator….happy dance time. But, oh contraire….on our run up to PA the alternator was not working properly….only putting out 6amps. So, in PA back in the hole I went….and, it turned out to be loose belts and a burnt sensing fuse. No idea on the fuse, but on the belts….I had switched to Gates green belts which is what we used back in 2004-2006 with great success ….Greg, the mechanic, had a source….but, unfortunately, these are not as strong as 15 years ago nor as strong as the Optibelts I had been using. In 8 hours these green belts had stretched to almost falling off….ugh!! So….a changed fuse and belts and…..it seems to be working for now….no happy dance until we make another run and test it over several days!!
Odds/Ends: some new labels for the electrical panel, new sail bags for the fuel bladders we store under the dinghy (no success trying to sell the 3 fuel bladders on Craig’s List….arghhhhhhh), new ER gfi plug, put a red mylar screen on new Maretron instrument by my bed to help darken the screen at night, rewired our media appliances for easy on/off (took Kathy to wiggle herself under a cabinet to get to plug), the GE refrigerator acted up AGAIN….the evaporator defrost drain hole plugged up with frozen ice even though the hot wire we stick down the hole to prevent any ice buildup is working….go figure, melted all the ice, made sure drain was flowing, then stuck the wire all the way down….we shall see but so far so good….
Still work in progress:
Paint bilges: ok, Kathy thinks I’m crazy but heck, what else to do. Thought it would be easy peasy, walk up to Fisheries, 2 blocks away, buy some bilge paint, do some cleaning, paint and be done….NOT, NOT, NOT….ugh!! Fisheries only carries dark gray high gloss bilge paint. We have a light gray, flat or matte/satin finish. We like the color as it is easy to see any liquids and especially blends well with the engine room. The other choice was white but that just seemed too light. So, bought a quart to try….ODG, the paint is DARK gray and so glossy you need sunglasses….not going to work. Spent more time trying to find a light gray bilge paint…no joy….so bought a can of white paint and a can of flattening agent and will try my hand at mixing to the desired color and finish….see, what I mean….a typical boat project….whaaaaaaaa!!!
Nobeltec: this one you will love….when we left the locks and headed out I noticed we had no COG, Bearing or heading readings on Nobeltec or AIS….WTH….pretty important info. So about 5 hours later of trouble shooting I discover all works in “true” but not “magnetic”. Sent an email to Nobeltec and here is where I start to laugh/cry. “Gee, sir, you have Time Zero Trident and it is outdated, we no longer service and case in point, the magnetic variation tables are no longer working….we highly recommend upgrading to Time Zero Pro for $350″….they are running a 50% special so down from $750…ok, guess we should do that versus having our navigation software crap out in remote Alaska. But, oh wait….I do my research and discover Pro only works on Windows 10…our Nav computer is still on Windows 7….gee, a call to Greg our electronics tech….”well, John, it is so much easier to just buy a new computer these days as they are so cheap than try to update windows and then get everything working….we might spend hours getting it working and for the same price buy new”…..ugh. So, another BOAT unit later we have a new Nobeltec version and a new nav computer. All arrives next week so will have the joy of setting it all up…..do you really believe it will be plug and play:)))))
ER Cameras: we have 2, forward and aft. We had Greg replace the cockpit camera as it went out years ago. Well, now the ER cameras will only stay on for an hour, get hot and stop….ok, ordered new cameras and will install next week….JOMT!!!
Electrical Panel Backlights: We have maybe 50% of the lights working so at night or a dark day we have to get a flashlight to read all the labels….sort of a PITA. So…Greg told me where to source and we have 8 strips on order…..pretty delicate to install so will wait for a calm day!!!!
The Plan: who knows….we hope to have the boat work done in the next 1-2 weeks and then somehow get our new dinghy. The AB dinghy has finally shipped from Miami but no word on arrival yet. Then Guyer Marine needs a week or so to outfit….maybe by the end of May. Nothing has really opened up yet in Washington and the Canadian border is still closed so no going to our slip in Sidney. We hope over the next few weeks some of the marinas and parks will open and we can do some cruising….we were supposed to have all the work done by April 1 and be cruising by now…just a few months late!!!
Hope all is well!!
Mystic Moon
Port Angeles

View of Port Ludlow from our anchorage. We stayed in the hotel in 2003 for our first Selene Rendezvous where we inked the deal to buy Mystic!!

I lost the bet. I thought the swim transom was solid fiberglass….nope, it was closed cell core sandwiched between fiberglass!!

Hi!!! Glad to know you are doing well and everithing is fine. We are fine, almost 2 months at home by now. Lee and Pachi from Cartagena, Colombia.
Hi, Thanks for the kind note. Very glad all is well. You guys safe safe!!!