Did you see the crew of Mystic Moon doing the Happy Dance?!!!!!!
We described the transit in 2009 as challenging with all the mechanical, steering, wind and current issues. This Canal Transit could not have been better….no harm, no fouls and no strikes…..oh what a joy and what a relief. I describe the feeling as what you feel after Finals – the weight of the world is off, you want to celebrate and then sleep for a long time. We indeed celebrated with champagne, a very good dinner and then into a blissful long night of sleep!!!!
We left Shelter Bay Marina around 12:30 pm to move over to the “Flats” to await our Advisor. Our other two line handlers, two very fine young men, Kevin and Javier, had arrived onboard earlier at Shelter Bay. Mark and Roseanne our good friends from Seattle had come to visit with us and to experience a Canal transit, acted as the other two line handlers. It turned out that Roseanne never had to be a line handler so she became the official photographer and took a gazillion pictures. We had a very nice lunch and then watched all the Colon port and Canal activity.
The Advisors, Moeses and Antonio, an advisor in training, came onboard around 3:30 pm and off we went. We approached the first Gatun lock around 4:15pm. First, a 600’ refrigerated boat went in, then a 125’ supply ship, and then Mystic Moon entered the lock. We rafted to the supply ship and then Iolea, a Hylas 49 rafted to us. Whoa, the waters entering the lock to raise us about 30’ create a lot of turbulence and boiling action. But, all the lines, tires and fenders did their jobs and everything was safe and sound. Mark was in charge of all the line rafting and Mystic Moon was purring in his hands:))) Once the lock doors were opened Iolea unrafted and moved off, then Mystic Moon unrafted and moved ahead of Iolea and then the supply ship went into the next lock. We then repeated the same procedure as the first lock and did this again for the third lock. We left the last lock right at dusk, around 6:15 pm.
As in 2009, the Canal thought as a powerboat we could do 20 kts. So when Moeses had come onboard he told us we were to go all the way through the Canal that night and had an 11:30 pm lock time at Pedro Miguel. We told Moeses that we could only make 8 kts and had planned to stay in Lake Gatun for the night. When we exited the last Gatun lock Moeses called the Canal, explained the situation and of course, they required us to stay in Gatun Lake. So we moved over to these giant mooring buoys, tied a stern and bow line on one side and then Iolea rafted to the buoy on the other side. We then celebrated with several beers, wine and a very nice dinner served by Kathy and Roseanne.
Moeses had told us to expect the new Advisor around 6 – 7:00 am so we were up by 5:30 am drinking coffee and listening to the rainforest critters come alive…..can you say Groooooooowwwwwwwwler monkeys!!!!! Our new Advisor, Oswald, came onboard around 6:30 am and away we went for the 28 nm run to the Pedro Miguel lock. What a beautiful day…..the sun was out, a slight breeze and we just had a great time watching the scenery and visiting with Oswald. It turns out he was on a special Canal project, like building the new third set of locks….fascinating!!
We arrived a little early at Pedro Miguel and had to wait a bit for the locks to open. This time we rafted to a very noisy, as in no muffler, 110’ tourist boat and Iolea once again rafted to us. This was the same procedure for the next two Miraflores locks. When you down lock, the waters enter from the bottom and create very little turbulence so this time things were much calmer.
We left the last lock around 1:30 pm and after the Pilot boat picked up Oswald, we proceeded to La Playita marina and were all tied up, air conditioner on and celebrating with champagne by 3:30 pm!!!!
Awesome play by play John. Glad it went smooth and perhaps your laundry bill won’t be so high this time since your shorts weren’t so tight? ha ha. Kathy, take really good notes now for your book when you finish this sojourn. No excuses this time girl! Love all the pics and stories, keep them up. Be safe and blessings on the way for you. R&V
Great to have you back in the same Ocean as us after 3 years…. Looking forward to catching up over one or two bottles of wine in New Zealand…. Roll on October – Monty & Basil can’t wait to see the Cookie Lady (and you, of course, John). Lots of love R , V, M & B xxx