Hi All,
We are well into our winter hibernation Sitka style. It will be almost 2 weeks this coming Sunday and well….can’t say we have done too much. Bored yet???….maybe not quite yet as we do seem to stay a little busy.
What have you been doing…..hmmm, typical day for John-boy…..sleep 8-10 hours…..I started at around 8 hours and now 9-10 hours…..well, it is dark you know….amazing how the body adapts:)))) A few hours on emails, news, et al. Another few hours ordering parts/projects…..we have 2 new batteries and the Raritan ice maker on order…..a bit tricky since no one has free shipping to Alaska and the shipping quotes are all over the map so takes some time to dig through the reliable vendors. Then of course reading and nap time:)))
Oh….I did get sick a few days…..bad cold, horrible cough, slight fever…..Kathy’s chicken soup and rest was the eventual cure but it has hung around now for almost a week!!
We have taken a few walks but it is somewhat cold which is a bit demotivating.
We are working on the 2019 cruising itinerary. So much to see so little time but it’s nice to have the time to do some good research and make a few calls!!!!
And, I’ve been posting the rest of our 2018 Alaska pictures on the website…..I’m now through Prince William sound and have Glacier Bay/Sitka et al still to go. The internet here sucks….well, at least Verizon but we hear AT&T is not much better. Too many people, too few towers/bandwidth. I’ve posted maybe 500 pictures so far and it takes about 1 min/pic….that’s like 9 hours watching the dang circle go around:))))…..back in Pleasanton on Xfinity, it was about 5 secs/pic…..arghhhhh!!!
Weather: The past week it was sunny most of the time….great but then the temps dropped well into the high teens to low 20’s. The Kabola diesel heater ran almost nonstop. Today the weather is changing, back into the 40’s, cloudy and rainy!!
Due to the heavy freeze for 5-6 days, we were concerned about the fresh water wash down on the bow and the sink on the flybridge. Neither hose run has a shut off valve to drain the water and the hoses are somewhat exposed to the freezing temps…gulp. I went to the hardware store to buy some heat tape but it said only for metal….we have plastic hoses. Instead, we hooked up incandescent light bulbs in the 4 lockers. Used 60 and 100watt bulbs….the temperature was raised 25-40*F…..it did the job and so far no issues.
Hope all is well!!
Mystic Moon
hibernating in Sitka
More pictures on the website….these are from the Kenai Peninsula featuring one of favorite glaciers….Northwestern Fiord: http://mysticmoonvoyages.com/photo-gallery/nggallery/main-album/Tonsina-and-Northwestern-Fiord-on-Kenai-Peninsula