May 26
Hi All,
I just wanted to send a quick email that we are leaving tomorrow, May 27 at 7am for Petropavlovsk Russia. It is ~890nm and will take us close to 5 days so we hope to be in Petropavlovsk Friday, June 1 in the am.
We have a good weather window if it holds up. The first day will be beamy seas but hopefully just 2-3′. Day 2&3 the winds and waves clock to the S and somewhat calm….yea!!! Both models agree on the forecast for days 1-3. On Day 4 the winds and seas get stronger but again all behind. And day 5 is west winds but hopefully we will get protection from the Kamchatsky peninsula. The models generally agree for Days 4&5 just differ on the strength of the winds and waves.
I will be posting a log every day so you can follow how we are doing!! You can also see our tracks at:
And also on the Selene Forum:
We have just spent the last 3 days working like crazy to get ready. We thought we would have a week or so, but this weather window opened and well, it’s best to go when the forecast says!!! I’ll log later on what all we got done as well as final thoughts on Japan!!
Hope all is well!!
Mystic Moon
Kushiro Japan

John and Kathy,
Safe travels and calm seas. We will watch your progress daily as you undertake this great adventure. Take care of Mark.
Thanks!! Kathy says she now has 2 children….hmm:))))