March 15
Hi All,
3:30am Saturday March 17: All is well!!
Well….sort of….rough weather started around 6pm and by 8pm we had to change course….after many tries settled on COG 86M…..the rhumb line is ~48-52MM…….changed again from 3:30-6am and settled on 60*M. Wind 15-20G25 right on the bow….supposed to be 30* but off by 20*……we slowed to 4.5-6.5kts……not looking good for a Monday arrival if this hold which the winds are forecast to calm sometime Saturday but the seas get worse from strong winds NE of us…..we shall see….ugh!!!
Hard to write email so that be all!!
Stats:March 16 2330 UTC (7:30am March 17 local time):
Position: 21 57N 123 22E
Traveled: 158nm today; 361 total: 364nm to go; half way…yea!!!ETA to Okinawa late Monday night which is not doable so either we pick up some speed somehow or we slow even more for a Tuesday am arrival
Course: 60M COG; rhumb line is now 47*M
Wind: 15-20G25kts, mainly NNE
Waves: 6-10′ NE, very short period; right on nose; ride rough
Speed: current speed is 5.2 kts SOG; has varied 4.5-8.0 kts today; avg is 6.4 kts today; 1300-1600 rpm (normal is 1600)
Weather: 50% cloud cover; sea temp 76 deg F; air temp 75 deg F, Kathy has long sleeves on, I’m still in shorts and t-shrt!!
Boat sightings: ~10-15; all cargo ships…..
Fishing: Nope
Sail: down
Fuel burn: 1.45nmpg for Day 1, excellent!!
Hope all is well!
Mystic Moon