Hi All,
3:30am and all is well. This has been another trawler like day….maybe not as good as yesterday but still mighty fine!!!!
But……this is changing as I type…..arghhhh!!!! We have not caught up with the big winds yet but we know they are coming as the seas are already lumpy…..ugh. Maybe in a few more hours…..we may have to tack west a bit…..15-20G25 for 12 hours is the forecast right on the nose…..whaaaaaaa!!! But then 24+ hous later we will be there so just hang on baby for a little bit more!!! I’ll report back in a little bit and let you know how the front has developed!!!
Now, back to my book…..Stonehenge by Bernard Cornwell…..not too bad!!!
5:30am: The big winds started around 4:30 am @ 31 33S. Consistent 20-25G30 kts SSW. Around 5:30am consistent around 30+ kts I think from some upcoming squalls. Sure enough, we got into the rain and graciously the winds calmed to the 20 kt range still SSW. We have slowed down to around 6 kts. I tried tacking 20 deg to the west as I thought the winds were South (remember we lost the wind vane so only way to tell the wind direction is by sight and feel) but wrong…..several big fall off the waves and burying the bow told me not so good. Now that it is daylight I can see the winds are still SSW. At the height of the 30+ kt winds, we took a 10-12′ wave right on the bow….above the stanchions….whoa and impressive….took lot’s of water over the bow and all went out the scuppers as designed…..
6:45am: the winds started to shift to SSE and we tacked 10-20 degs to west. Still lightly raining but we see some clearing ahead. Speed down to 5.5 kts…..still occasionally burying bow and falling off waves….fun….NOT!!!!
Position 24 Oct 1900 UTC (7:00am 10/25 local time):
Position: 31 46S 175 09E
Traveled: 173nm today; 865 nm total; 254nm to go; ETA to Marsden Cove is late Sunday
Course: 180M COG
Wind: current is 20-25G30 kts SSE
Waves: 5-9’short period SSW-SSE…..a little confused
Speed: current speed is 5.7 kts SOG; has varied 5.3-7.8 kts; 7.2 avg for the day; 7.3 kts total; 1500 RPM
Weather: 100% cloud cover with some squalls/rain; sea temp 64.9 deg F; air temp 63 deg F……brrrrrr!!!
Boat sightings: 0 today; 1 total for the voyage
Fishing: nope…..too cold, yep I’m a weenie…..plus still have fish in the freezer 🙁 ((((
Sail: down
Fuel burn: 1.26nmpg today; 1.25 nmpg total…..getting a little better….if we could get rid of this counter current it would be better!
Hope all is well!
Mystic Moon