Saturday May 3, Day 3: All is well!!! Another trawler weather day….sweet. Conditions still are as predicted…winds were 8-13 kts SE-SSE in the am, calmed to light and variable <5 kts in the afternoon/evening and then built overnight to 8-12 kts primarily from the East. Seas built a little to about 4-7′ SE in the … Read More →
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Captain’s Log: Opua to Savusavu Fiji, Day 2
Friday May 2, Day 2: All is well and another good day!!! The winds have shifted to SE and are a little stronger…in the 8-13 kt range and the seas have built to 4-6′ SW swell but long periods….all still behind us….not a bad ride, just a little more rolly than yesterday, but no complaints!!!! … Read More →